At Foxfield, there is a strong ethos for outdoor learning. We believe that playing in natural spaces supports our pupils' sense of self, wellbeing, independence and positive social behavior through both structure and free play. The school curriculum offers lots of cross curricular opportunities as well as timetabled sessions of outdoor learning, which will be delivered in a positive, enjoyable and creative way which will allow pupils to strengthen and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the world around them through hands-on learning. This whole school approach to outdoor learning helps our pupils build resilience, determination and independence.
As a school we have fantastic opportunities for learning outdoors from our football pitches, outdoor gym, field and bike track to our beach school, horticulture and forest areas helping to support our pupils' creativity, confidence and love of nature. The bespoke learning environment at Foxfield coupled with the school's curriculum enables pupils to develop real world experiences across the curriculum supporting life skills and encouraging them to be healthy.