Evidence for Learning

Evidence for Learning has transformed how we at Foxfield School capture evidence, assess, review and plan for meeting the unique needs of their SEND learners, especially in light of the Rochford Review. It supports an Inquiry-based approach to our curriculum offer at Foxfield School and allows ALL stakeholders in a child, young person or adult’s learning and development to quickly and easily gather photo and video evidence, linked to the individual’s learning goals as well as any key skills frameworks. School observations can be annotated and tagged to reflect your son or daughters learning in an instant.


In Foxfield Evidence for Learning supports our assessment model and helps us to align pupils’ personal learning goals (PLGs) to Education Health & Care (EHC) Plans. What’s more, our teachers can easily amend and add to these goals over time in order to respond to a learners’ ongoing needs and development.


All evidence gathered is automatically organised by the app and readily available on-demand to anyone in the school and this can be shared with parents/carers to support our partnership.


EfL has also transformed how parents/carersexternal stakeholders and the learner themselves are engaged and involved in the entire learning process and journey – a multi-agency approach. Not only can photos, videos and notes be easily and securely shared by the school, but parents/carers can capture and submit their own photos, videos and notes to reflect the learner’s development and experiences at home and outside in the community. Invaluable collaboration and powerful at showing where learning and knowledge is beginning to be generalised.


 Please find below a Guide to Using Evidence for Learning.